The deep bark took several coats of varnish to be sealed from the weather as each one was absorbed. The front surface needed 5 coats to create this deep gloss finish. The number 60 was painted with a water based paint after 2 coats then protected with varnish taking care not to let the varnish pool in the grooves. Th sign is helf up to alow the varnish to run out of the grooves.
The varnish is left to dry at a warm room temperature (22 to 23 Deg C) but not too warm. If the temperature is too high the varnish will bubble as it dries and leave small defects in the varnish. This can be overcome by rubbing back with wet and dry and allowing time to thoroughly dry between coats. However, the final coat must be perfect. It may take 48 hours to dry to a hardness ready to wrap and pack for the customer.
This sign was supplied with a stake that the customer then painted themselves ready to display the number in her front garden.
My customer said, "Thanks so much for my sign I love it!"
I am delighted that this slice of Skeld nature will grace my customer's house for years to come.